The Power of Words

I was talking on the phone with my Dad a few days ago, and I made a comment regarding being a good driver because he taught me. My Dad worked for UPS for 30 years as a delivery driver, and since we live in the ninth largest county in the US (population around 9000 for the entire county) he drove 400 miles every day. When I turned 15, my Dad was the one who took me out and taught me the ins and outs of being a safe driver. Living in Harney County, over that year, I experienced every possible circumstance while learning-snow, hail, rain, bright sun in the eyes, severe winds, night driving on rural roads and many critters, from domestic animals to cows and deer. I learned so much from my Dad that still today, I consider myself a very good driver.

When I made that comment to him, his voice got very quiet, and he said, "thank you, I really needed a pick me up today, and that made me feel really good." I could hear tears in his voice, and when we hung up, I started thinking about how my nonchalant remark was so very important to him. I can't help but wonder as this illness takes a little more from me each day, how many times have I NOT told someone how much they mean to me, for the little things, and the big things, they've done that have shaped and defined my life.  I can't help but wonder when I will no longer have the opportunity to do so.........

Today, everyday, I am making a commitment to make certain that I find a way to tell everyone exactly how I feel about the role they have played in my life, to say thank you a thousand times while I still can. I think that we often times take for granted that the person already knows, but after that conversation with my Dad, I realized that isn't always the case.  Today, everyday,  tell someone in your life how their actions and/or words made a difference in your world, your growth, your self-esteem, your state of mind, your well-being, your path, your choices-you won't be disappointed.


  1. Love this part of your blog Kim. We all need to remember this yet we so easily forget....thank you for the reminder. Love you and let me just now tell you how much knowing you has meant to me. You have helped me grow but as we both now I'm a serious work in progress, Ha!

  2. I love a work in progress Miss Sherry! Don't you know that we are all a work in progress? It's only when we stop being a work in progress that we should worry! I love you to honey!
